Event Booking Widget

Code snippet icon

An Event Booking Widget is a small snippet of code, which, when inserted into a web page, shows information about one or more events, including photographs, detailed descriptions, and a booking form which can accept bookings for the events.

Despite the brevity of the code snippet, it is a very powerful device, enabling event organisers to promote, provide information about and accept bookings for their events on their own web pages as well as blogs and other web sites where potential clients/customers may be visiting.

The code snippet to paste is obtained from the merchant control panel where various aspects of the widget can be customised. If the event organisers have an affiliate program with Vendexo.com, then affiliates/referral partners (e.g. travel writers, bloggers, owners of tourism/destination web sites, travel agents, etc.) can also get a customized version of the widget to place on their web pages, making it very easy for them to list events which are of interest to their visitors. This can really help raise awareness of the events and increase bookings.

So, what does the event booking widget look like when it is displayed on a web page? Below is an example of what the code snippet produces. Try it out. Click on some of the links to interact with it. The content produced by the event booking widget is responsive to the size of the displaying device so it will display appropriately on desktop, laptop, tablet and smart-phone devices.

Please note that these events are presented here for demonstration purposes only. Their sole purpose is to demonstrate the event booking widget technology and do not constitute an offer to provide any such event shown.