Booking Craft


Event Booking — Sorted — with the Booking Craft Booking Engine

Do you operate or organise events? Do you want to be able to take bookings online? Do you want to prevent over-booking? How about taking payment securely?

Booking Craft by Vendexo enables tour guides, operators of tourist attractions, musical events, training sessions etc. to offer a web-based booking system to their visitors/attendees.

Turn any web page into a booking engine for your events. Easily add a booking capability to websites powered by WordPress.

Partner with Others to Grow Your Bookings

Business Growth through RelationshipsVisit the demonstration booking page which shows how adding an event booking widget to an otherwise empty page turns the page into a booking form for your events. Not only can you place your event booking widget onto your web pages, but you can grow your bookings by working with others (e.g. travel agents, tourist offices, travel writers etc.) to promote your events and take bookings for you. These partners can also place the booking widget onto their web pages and earn a commission, which you specify, for each booking which they generate.

What is it like to use? Here are some ways to find out: Take a Test Drive

Smooth Check-in with the Ticket Scanner

Smartphone as scannerFor event check-in we also have a Ticker Scanner app. This turns your smartphone or tablet computer into a ticket scanner and validator. An ideal solution for tour guides and event or attraction operators who want to keep costs at a minimum and reduce the amount of devices they have to carry around with them.

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